Arch and Ubuntu side-by-side on encrypted btrfs


I've used Arch linux for about 8 years from what I can tell. I love the minimalistic nature, and also think pacman and pacaur are pretty great for package management. Arch doesn't give me stuff I don't need, stays out of my way, and has fantastic documentation. That said, at work I need Ubuntu due to some pre-built binary availability and the lack of desire to build all of them each time they update. I decided to go with both so I could use Ubuntu for specific tasks and Arch for my daily driver.

I was curious if I could use btrfs to create one main shared space for both, choosing which subvolume to mount at boot. This eliminates the need to partition the disk and guess sizes for each. I also encrypt my drives, so it required the ability to create an encrypted container on btrfs and point the bootloader to that specific container based no which distro I was booting. Lastly, my newest company issued computer shipped with UEFI and Secure Boot, which was entirely new to me.

About ~15hrs later, I've got base systems installed and am feeling pretty happy.


I first went through this (minus UEFI stuff) on an HP Zbook 15 G2 and I'm using a Zbook 15 G4 to recreate the setup and write this guide (I didn't take very good notes last time). I'm using a Samsung NVM3 M.2 as my install target.

I won't cover making your install media, but as a heads up, to even boot my USB install media with Secure Boot in place, I had to follow these instructions on modifying the image with a couple signed .efi files, and upon boot I followed these steps to enroll the USB's hashes with Secure Boot.

prepping the drive

This is pretty straightforward stuff, though I ended up doing all of this twice because I didn't realize one gotcha. When it comes to partitioning, the bootloader will need to live on the EFI System Partition (esp). I interpreted the wiki on bootloaders to believe that the one I choose, rEFInd, could read from various filesystems like ext4.

In actuality, it seems the loader/esp must live on vfat, but from there it can load things (kernel image, initramfs) from other filesystems. Why does this matter? Well, I didn't know that you can't sym/hard link on vfat. When it comes to ubuntu, I like to maintain a symlink from vmlinuz-xenial to the versioned name of the latest kernel. This avoids having to change the bootloader entry all the time with the new numbers. This is probably fringe, and maybe not worth the effort, but it bothers me and this will stick with me. I opted to go through the pain now and keep the flexibility!

For actual steps:

  • I wiped the drive with random data using the cryptsetup container and /dev/zero method
  • partition the disk, creating an esp (EFI system partition), separate /boot partition (if you desire), and main container for btrfs. Be sure to use gpt, not mbr for for the partition table!
# fdisk -l
Device           Start       End   Sectors   Size Type
/dev/nvme0n1p1    2048   1050623   1048576   512M EFI System
/dev/nvme0n1p2 1050624   3147775   2097152     1G Linux filesystem
/dev/nvme0n1p3 2099200 488397134 486297935 231.9G Linux filesystem

# mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/nvme0n1p1
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2

# cryptsetup -v --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 --iter-time 2000 \
                --use-urandom -y luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p2

# cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p3 root
# mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/root

With that done, we're ready for installs. For what it's worth, I've arch first, then ubuntu, and vice versa and have yet to get ubuntu to succeed on the install. I couldn't find an way to disable the bootloader install altogether, and on two occasions tried pointing it at both my EFI partition as well as the ext4 one for the bootloader and both failed. In looking around, it may be due to Secure Boot. I gave up and write the rest of this with respect to installing arch first, then ubuntu.

installing arch

We need to create the subvolumes we'd like to use, as well as the boot structure. I used the following for my btrfs setup (we'll create subvols for ubuntu later):

/arch: arch system
/vault: repository for shared data
/jwhendy: separate arch home dir which I also mount at /mnt/homie for ubuntu access

Here we make the subvolumes and then re-mount the arch root target for installation:

# cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p3 root
# mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt

# btrfs subvol create /mnt/arch
# btrfs subvol create /mnt/jwhendy
# btrfs subvol create /mnt/vault

# umount /mnt
# mount -t btrfs -o subvol=/arch /dev/mapper/root /mnt

In addition, we need to make mount /boot and our esp. As mentioned above, having /boot be ext4 will let us symlink and do whatever we'd like with /boot itself, while rEFInd can be happy on /boot/efi.

# mkdir /mnt/boot
# mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot
# mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
# mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi

Follow the rest of the installation instructions to install base packages, then arch-chroot into /mnt. For mkinitcipio, I use the following:

MODULES=(dm_crypt aes_x86_64 dm_mod sd_mod crc32c_intel vfat btrfs nvidia)
HOOKS=(systemd autodetect modconf block sd-encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck)

Be sure to install any other packages you want/need, for example nvidia, btrfs-progs, wireless tools, etc.

bootloader setup

For the bootloader, I'm going with rEFInd, (refind-efi package). Since I have Secure Boot enabled, I had to do a few more things like installing shim-signed (AUR), which required installing base-devel so I could install pacaur (which also required cower).

This was definitely the most complicated topic of anything I did, in part because it's split between universal info like the EFI System Partition, the bootloader itself, specifics about Secure Boot, and external references that the arch wiki points to.

If I understand things correctly, there are two methods to work around Secure Boot. One (PreLoader) checks the hashes of various binaries to make sure they are trusted, the other (shim) relies on the binary being signed by a trusted key (and maybe also does hashed?).

I originally went with the preloader method, but found that ubuntu would not load nvidia drivers because they weren't signed by a trusted key. I've now switched to shim and think it's working! I'll recommend that way, and the article from Rod Smith suggests shim is more flexible as well.

I'm following the portion of the wiki about using shim. Refer to that, but summarized, this is what I did:

  • install shim-signed
  • follow instructions on shim with key (at this point I've created my user on arch, so I'm in /home/jwhendy)
$ mkdir .ssl
$ cd .ssl
$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout mok_arch.key -new -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -subj "/CN=arch_mok_key/" -out mok_arch.crt
$ openssl x509 -outform DER -in mok_arch.crt -out mok_arch.cer

Per the tip in using shim with rEFInd, you can put these keys in /etc/refind.d/keys to install them automatically to the esp:

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/refind.d/keys
$ sudo cp ./mok_arch.key /etc/refind.d/keys/refind_local.key
$ sudo cp ./mok_arch.cer /etc/refind.d/keys/refind_local.cer
$ sudo cp ./mok_arch.crt /etc/refind.d/keys/refind_local.crt
  • now we install refind:
$ sudo refind-install --shim /usr/share/shim-signed/shim.efi --localkeys

I think this signs shim.efi with our key. In addition, it copies the .cer and .crt to efi/EFI/refind/keys so that we can load them into the trusted key database. My understanding is that once enrolled, the system will trust things signed by that key/cert pair.

Make sure you're good with any adds to mkinitcpio as that will generate a new vmlinuz-linux loader which needs to be signed.

$ cd /boot
$ sudo sbsign --key ~/.ssl/mok_arch.key --cert ~/.ssl/mok_arch.crt --output ./vmlinuz-linux ./vmlinux-linux

For setting up refind.conf, my entry looks like this:

menuentry "arch" {
    icon         /EFI/refind/icons/os_arch.png
    volume       BOOT_PARTUUID
    loader       /vmlinuz-linux
    initrd       /initramfs-linux.img
    options      "luks.uuid=DEVICE_UUID root=UUID=MAPPER_UUID rootflags=compress=lzo,discard,ssd,subvol=arch luks.allow=discards add_efi_memmap rw"


# use the boot device (not the ESP) for the volume entry; it tells refind where the kernel is
/dev/nvme0n1p2: UUID="5efd2b85-7d45-46f4-8407-1f08cca9847f" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="5bb27fc4-dbf4-4157-bf94-8dba1fcdabdf"

# use the physical device UUID for luks.uuid
/dev/nvme0n1p3: UUID="0712af67-3f01-4dde-9d45-194df9d29d14" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTUUID="80262d8f-fc26-45a7-ad8d-1a5bad414250"

# use the mapped UUID for the root UUID
/dev/mapper/root: UUID="204e2670-ca9a-41fb-b487-2b32076033b1" UUID_SUB="fbd1fe45-760b-4c6e-a17f-74b8cd60edb6" TYPE="btrfs"

It took me a while to get this right; use the following for the entries in your refind.conf:

  • volume: PARTUUID of the boot partition, not the esp
  • DEVICEUUID: UUID of the raw partition
  • MAPPERUUID: UUID that's assigned to the opened cryptdevice

Cross your fingers and reboot!

Upon reboot, get to your boot device screen and choose the UEFI rEFInd entry. I got an error about it not being authorized, and then an option to start the MOK utility. I choose to enroll keys and then picked the one, really long entry (the others were from the ARCHISO or maybe elsewhere). Navigate to EFI/refind/keys and enroll the .cer file.

Reboot again and you should be all set.

As an aside, for long term use (which I haven't looked into yet), I'll be pursuing a hook to sign the kernel image each time it updates. To test how this works, after successfully booting with a signed vmlinuz-linux I updated the linux package manually and booting failed. I was able to use the MOK utility to enter the hash of vmlinuz-linux and then boot. So, I think going forward there are two options: sign the kernel, or deal with enrolling the hash at boot each time it updates.

install ubuntu

Boot into Ubuntu and choose the option to try it (not install). Open a terminal and open the existing crypt device:

$ sudo cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p3 root

Now you can double click the installer icon on the desktop. I didn't find any good answers on how to prevent ubuntu from trying to install a bootloader altogether, and you also don't get to pick a subvolume to install to, which is why we didn't create them earlier.

Go throug the setup, choosing "something else" on the installation type screen:

  • point to your opened crypt device (e.g. /dev/mapper/root), click change, select it as a btrfs filesystem and / for the mount point
  • We're using rEFInd to load both arch and ubuntu, but you have to tell it something, so I pointed it at /dev/nvm0n1p2 (ext4 partition) to make it happy
  • to move on, you'll get warnings about no swap and should confirm that it won't make any changes to the partition table and won't be formatting anything
  • go through with the rest of the install

The install failed to install grub, then popped up a dialog about it and said the installer crashed. I couldn't close it. Things still worked fine for me.

It seems that ubuntu insists on making it's own new subvols, which we'll move now. After the installer borked, I found

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt
$ sudo mv /mnt/@ /mnt/xenial
$ sudo rm -r /mnt/xenial/home
$ sudo mv /mnt/@home /mnt/xenial/home
$ sudo rm -r /mnt/var
$ sudo rm -r /mnt/ubiquity-apt-clone

For the final setup, I find it easier to just chroot, so that's what I'd suggest:

$ sudo umount /mnt
$ sudo mount -o subvol=xenial /dev/mapper/root /mnt

Now mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 somewhere and copy in initrd-xxx and vmlinuz-xxx from the ubuntu /boot dir in there.

$ mkdir ~/boot
$ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 ~/boot
$ sudo cp /mnt/boot/initrd.img-4.* ~/boot/
$ sudo cp /mnt/boot/vmlinuz-4.* ~/boot/

You can copy everything if you wnat, but this all you need so I blew the rest away and then remounted ~/boot to /mnt/boot:

$ sudo rm -r /mnt/boot/*
$ sudo umount ~/boot
$ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot
$ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi

$ sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc
$ sudo mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
$ sudo mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
$ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
$ sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash
# su username

I removed everything related to grub and grub2 since I'm using rEFInd to boot both arch and ubuntu and don't want the shared /boot to get clobbered inadvertently, or for grub to try and install it's own bootloader

$ apt list --installed |grep grub
$ sudo apt remove [all packages from above step]

The way ubuntu handles crypt devices is a little different than arch, so the rEFInd entry is also slightly different:

menuentry "ubuntu" {
    icon         /EFI/refind/icons/os_ubuntu.png
    volume       BOOT_PARTUUID
    loader       /vmlinuz-xenial
    initrd       /initrd-linux.img
    options      "root=UUID=MAPPER_UUID rootflags=compress=lzo,discard,ssd,subvol=xenia luks.options=timeout=30s luks.allow=discards nomodeset $vt_handoff add_efi_memmap rw"

Note the use of -xenial files above for the kernel image/initrd. It's my personal preference to maintain links to the most recent files so that I don't have to change my boot entry at every update. I simply link these generic files to the versioned ones.

$ cd /boot
$ sudo ln -s initrd.img-4.13.0-39-generic initrd-xenial.img
$ sudo ln -s vmlinuz-4.13.0-39-generic vmlinuz-xenial

Ubuntu also requires the use of /etc/crypttab to know what to decrypt, hence removing our luks.uuid bit. Now we need these two entries:

$ cat /etc/crypttab
root   UUID=DEVICE_UUID   none   luks,discard

$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/root   /   btrfs   defaults,subvol=xenial   0 1

While you're at it, you may want to check that /boot and /boot/efi also have entries in fstab. After making these changes, you have to rebuild the boot images: update-initramfs -u -k all.

Reboot and cross your fingers! I didn't sign the image, but I wasn't prompted to enroll anything, so perhaps ubuntu's images are pre-signed (the install media also doesn't require fiddling like arch's).

nvidia drivers

On ubuntu, nvidia drivers won't modprobe becuase ubuntu uses the CONFIG_MODULE_SIG_FORCE option in its kernel. We have to sign them with the keys we enrolled earlier.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ apt-cache search nvidia # find the package name you want
$ sudo apt install nvidia-390

I got burned at some point with hybrid graphics, so I just have them off. Because of that, I don't want nvidia-prime and bbswitch-dkms installed.

$ sudo apt remove nvidia-prime bbswitch-dkms

We can just copy our keys from arch over to ubuntu.

$ sudo mount -o subvol=jwhendy /mnt
$ mkdir ~/.ssl
$ cp /mnt/.ssl/* ~/.ssl/

Lastly, we need to sign them. Ubuntu ships with it's own script for this, we we can just use that. It's located at /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file. I found arch vs. ubuntu docs a little confusing in this respect. Arch generates a .key and .crt, then converts the .crt into a DER format .cer. References for how to do this on ubuntu generally show creating a .priv and .der directly. I used my best inference to sign wit the ubuntu provided tool, using the .key and .cer created earlier. Repeat the below with nvidia*.ko module:

$ cd /lib/modules/4.13.0-39-generic/updates/dkms
$ sudo /usr/src/linux-headers-4.13.0-39-generic/scripts/sign-file sha256 ~/.ssl/mok_arch.key ~/.ssl/mok_arch.cer nvidia-390.ko

Installing nvidia itself creates a file that blacklists nouveau so all you need to do is reboot. If you get to a desktop from lightdm, it worked! You can verify with lsmod, checking to make sure nouveau is not present and nvidia is.


So that's it! I love using btrfs for this purpose, as you can easily recreate this process with any number of distros. My use of ubuntu is for the Robot Operating System (ROS) pre-compiled binaries, and with new releases coming from both ROS and ubuntu coming, this is perfect for not having to deal with re-partitioning, worrying about sizing, etc.


  • I found that refind-install changed the system boot order. I got a little freaked out at first, thinking something had been overwritten, but it was fine. You can change this via the BIOS or efibootmgr.
  • the details are a bit over my head, but I believe it will never be possible to chainload windows from rEFInd. When I try to do this, it asks for the BitLocker password. I could find one other instance of this type of behavior. In commenting, it was suggested that windows knows if something has intercepted it's own loader and thus it will force the password ask.
  • in searching around, I founnd various references to bootloader options, but I think they're either outdated, or not specific to using the sd-encrypt hook. For example you'll see cryptdevice to specify the UUID of a device and the label to create in /dev/mapper. The wiki aligns with the fact that sd-encrypt uses the options here instead (like luks.uuid).

various resources

Other various sites I thought were helpful. This whole exercise felt like putting together bits and pieces from a lot of places, comparing them, using what was most consistent, etc.

  • Could not load 'vboxdrv' after upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04: helped me figure out why nvidia couldn't be loaded and that signing looked to be similar to signing the kernel
  • Signing Nvidia proprietary driver on Fedora: just another confirmation of the basic signing method on ubuntu (not sure how the sign-file script and sbsign compare)
  • warning: checksum areas are greater than image size: post about a warning I've seen with sign-file and sbsign. Like it says there, things still worked.
  • mokutil: I didn't end up using it, but some places use mokutil --import and other commands to deal with the keys. I stuck with rEFInd's utility and don't know if this does the same thing without having to reboot into said utility or something else.
  • the authoritative rEFInd site: site by the author, Rod Smith, which also contains a ton of information about Secure Boot as well. His page on keys is a good example of the conflicting information out there. While I'm sure his is probably the de facto "right" way, it's either more than I needed or for other applications I'm not running into.